What people are saying about Mark and his therapy program:

  • “The work with Mark’s program focused on getting to the bottom of what’s happening to me. He helped me to become aware of how and why my emotions trigger the behaviors they do. It was like putting on the right pair of glasses after wearing the wrong ones for years.”

    Dominic G.

  • “After working with Mark and his material, I’m able to see how my new mental framework has directly helped me in key situations in my life. I can confidently say I’m in a much better place than I was a year ago.”

    Evan S.

  • “My previous therapy lasted for three years and I cannot tell you what I learned let alone how I changed. In only a few months of work with Mark, I feel like I’ve become a new man. This is far-and-away the best therapy I’ve ever tried.”

    Brian C.

  • “My past relationships taught me that I need to learn to manage my emotions and heal past traumas. Fortunately, my mentor recommended Mark. In a mere few sessions he helped me figure out the primary emotional loop that I unconsciously go through. Without his insights I probably would have gone through my entire life unaware of and detached from my unconscious mind. The journey to manage my emotions took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears—and it’s an ongoing journey—but my life became drastically better as a result. Mark has been truly a godsend.”

    Scott C.

  • “I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars throughout my 20s on therapists, self-help books, productivity courses, and life coaches. None of it worked because I was only working on symptoms and had a poor, surface-level understanding of psychology. Therapy with Mark was completely different and can only be described as a complete reset of my brain. I was able to clarify my fundamental issues, understand the basic principles of how emotions work, and learn how to actually manage them for the first time in my life. Mark is the last and only therapist you will ever need for true psychological growth.”

    Rick T.

  • “The work with Mark and his therapy program was hard at first. I was challenged in ways I have never been challenged before—it felt like trying to understand a dimension I couldn’t see. But eventually something inside my brain clicked and I began to see the world in a new way and this caused a change in my behaviors. I noticed this in particular when I intuitively responded well in a certain situation that would have previously left me with remorse and endless self-criticism. My issues are manageable now. I’m incredibly relieved I signed up.”

    Dylan I.

  • “I’ve tried every different kind of therapy and self-help out there. It was all the same and none of it worked because it only had me work on the symptoms. My therapy with Mark was totally different, it helped me to clarify my fundamental issue so I can manage it for exactly what it is.”

    Zach T.

  • “I’ve worked with many people over the years, and you get a few insights here and there, but the most profound and meaningful breakthroughs in my personal life came from my work with Mark. The keys I was looking for that nobody provided, Mark provided.”

    Stuart P.

  • “Working with Mark absolutely changed my life for the better. Before, I over-intellectualized problems and ran from my issues, which led to a lack of direction in my life and many fractured relationships. My work with him helped me see where I was responsible for my issues and how I could begin to resolve them. Almost two years later, my life is significantly better. And I could have done it faster if I had listened to him sooner. I 100 percent recommend working with Mark and have had 10+ friends work with him since I did.”

    Brandon W.

  • “Therapy only works if it helps you focus on what your real problems are. This is why Mark is my go-to recommended therapy. His session cut right to the heart of your issues. He’s there for clarity, not hand-holding.”

    Stuart P.

  • “My male friend gave me Mark’s book and I was skeptical at first because it seemed to only be for men. I was wrong about that and thank God I kept reading. In my other therapy, we focus on how others affect me, and while I talked about that with Mark as well, we also got very clear about how I affect others. This has led to a shift in perspective, behavior, and quite honestly relief I’ve never had before.”

    Maryam A.

  • “I 100 percent recommend Mark and his therapy program. Since my sessions with him, my ability to address my emotions has improved my life drastically. People like to meme about going to therapy, but Mark does it right.”

    Estefan P.

  • “Mark’s therapy program does exactly what he says it does. My issues were confusing and debilitating, and now I’m clear on exactly what my one, fundamental issue is and what I am able to do to work through it... I’m excited for what the future holds for me.”

    Greg W.

  • “I was in therapy for years without getting anywhere. This program showed me what exactly to do about it. It feels like I have a fresh start to a new life.”

    Roy T.

  • “My therapy with Mark was absolutely the best therapy I’ve ever tried, and I’ve tried a bunch. Every other type of therapy seems like an imitation given what I know now. Everybody needs this therapy. If you want to get the life you want but you’re stuck, you need this therapy.”

    Orin L.

  • “In just two short months of Mark’s program, I have experienced a tremendous improvement in my life. It has given me confidence that I am capable of gradually winning the battles with myself that I thought I would never win. The improvements in my mood, posture, and neuroticism are tangible. This alone is worth five times the cost.”

    Luke M.

  • “I thought my problems and struggles weren’t significant enough to merit therapy, yet this program showed me exactly what I needed to do to learn what I needed to learn. And you won’t find a better therapist than Mark. He truly understands psychology and how it influences man’s relationship with the world. He knows what works and he offers something truly transformative. Only you can ever really change yourself, but Mark is the best guide out there to help you navigate your inner world. For the first time ever, I am excited for what the future holds. And that is priceless.”

    Howard W.

  • “I highly recommend Mark’s therapy program, especially if you’re working class or grew up in that kind of environment where masculinity still means something to a guy.”

    Stefan P.

  • “I was attached to self-help for a long time… but it only took me so far. If you want to go further, you need to get off that train and go it on foot. I couldn’t imagine a more comprehensive guide for this next stage of my growth than Mark and his program of therapy.”

    Jack H.

  • “If you’re on the fence about using Mark’s program: do it. I’m making progress in conquering life long issues thanks to learning my specific emotional/behavioral loop, which is often unconscious, and talking about it in the prescribed method.”

    Garrick P.

  • “The program is best described as a mirror that was painful to look at, but which revealed previously unseen insights into myself and my life. I cannot look at myself and my relationships in the same way anymore, and because of what I now know, they will not be the same anymore... Understanding my emotional issues on a fundamental level is a profound realization for me, this allows me to fully comprehend my own words and actions day-to-day.”

    Max W.

  • “Within three sessions we uncovered the fundamental, emotional issue in my life that was keeping me from growing and maturing.”

    Walter S.

  • “Mark’s program allowed me to see my issue on a fundamental level, a level that allows the awareness to be internalized rather than intellectualized.”

    Dom G.

  • “I’ve tried therapy before but the Unconscious Map was different. The direction felt intuitive and safe, like I was being guided through the crevices of my mind by someone who’s been there… and it saved me thousands of dollars in the long run.”

    Samantha M.

  • “I highly recommend Mark’s program, especially if you’re working class or grew up in that kind of environment where masculinity still means something.”

    David V.

  • “I thought this program was only for men. But I participated in the trial and I’m happy I did. Unconscious Map: The Course works—though it’s definitely not for the faint of heart.”

    Ilsa G.

  • “Procrastination has ruined my life and no previous therapy made a difference. But Mark’s approach actually worked. He helped me see my root issue was really unmanaged anxiety and shame. After my sessions with Mark, I am now on the path to the healthy psychology I desperately needed.”

    Glen S.

  • “Mark's process helped me identify internal emotional issues and where they came from. Through his sessions I was able to realize the source of what was causing my self doubt, procrastination, and lack of self worth. After working with Mark I know I’m equipped to handle these issues in the future.”

    Mike B.

  • “The Unconscious Map gave me an entirely new perspective on how my emotions and my mind work. Mark guided me through the structure of my mind and the tricks it has been playing on me. I was able to find the deeper causes of my behaviours and discover a way out of it.”


  • “The framework provided by the Unconscious Map and my sessions with Mark allowed me to articulate and understand several issues that had remained unresolved through past therapy experiences. In just a few sessions I had gained a more holistic view of my behavioral patterns and internal motivations, and finished with a clear path forward for the first time.”

    Dustin J.

  • “Mark’s sharp perception and experience quickly landed on the emotional issues that have been decreasing my peace-of-mind. It sounds corny but I feel like myself now. My thinking is clearer and I have a real perspective of myself and my relationships. People close to me have sensed a change. Thank you, Mark.”

    Andy H.

  • “I was honestly pretty scared to work with Mark. I’m one of these people that has been on a self-development journey for a while and have always felt that there was something missing just out of my grasp. When I came into contact with Mark’s stuff, I knew he was the right guy for me. All the assumptions I had about counseling were wrong. Mark’s framework allowed me view parts of myself in ways I didn’t really know were possible. It wasn’t just easy, it was fun and interesting.”

    Andy H.

  • “I went to Mark as I wanted help with procrastination. Mark helped me see that this and so much more of my problems came from feeling alienated from myself and the people around me. By working on this over the last two months with Mark I have a clear understanding of what I want in life, and more importantly, for the first time in a decade I feel like I can do something about it. Thank you, Mark.”

    Ian A.

  • “Sixteen years of various forms of therapy and analysis, introspection, daily journaling, books, and blogs had all helped with my anxiety. But even after all that I still didn’t have a solid picture of what was really at the root of my problem. Thinking I already had my unconscious figured out, I went into the sessions with Mark feeling unsure about whether he could help me. After we were done, not only did I finally have a clear understanding of my issues, I also knew what I had to do to deal with them, allowing me to FINALLY move forward. Wish I had met him 16 years ago.”

    Peter K.

  • “Through his process, Mark helped me to identify and define the recurring, emotional loop that I had subconsciously acted out throughout my entire life. I went through a lot of trauma as a kid, and Mark helped me understand how that caused me to act out in destructive ways and the way in which it affected my connections with loved ones. More importantly, I now have the exact awareness I need to improve my relationships, strengthen my boundaries, and develop my sense of self. When we began the sessions, I was in a low point in my life, and now things are looking very different.”

    Ethan N.

  • “I would have gladly paid three times the price that Mark charged me for working with him.”

    Dean L.

  • “Mark made sure I understood my central, emotional issue on a fundamental level, a level that allows for the new awareness to be internalized instead of intellectualized.”

    Alex P.

  • “I’m really happy I worked with Mark. My situation may not have been terrible, but I desperately wanted to improve. After our therapy sessions, my relationships are better and I feel like I finally have control over my emotions and my life. Mark simplifies the whole process and a few weeks are truly worth more than years of every other therapy I have tried.”

    Chris H.

  • “The sessions can best be described as a mirror that was often painful to look at, but which revealed previously unseen insights into myself and my life... I am tackling the cause rather than trying to manage symptoms. ”

    Brent P.

  • “Mark is being modest when he says [the Unconscious Map]... is worth 10 years of therapy. I was in therapy for more than 10 years and the sessions with him were way more helpful.”

    Kaitlin E.

  • “The biggest issues facing therapy is it’s a waste of time. The sessions with Mark were different. We focused on getting to the bottom of what’s happening with me, which Mark delivered with confidence and expertise... It’s like putting on the right pair of glasses after wearing the wrong ones for years.”

    Dominic G.

  • “I truly feel lucky to be able to get my hands on this material at a time in my life when I needed it the most. It saved me way more than years and money. It saved me a chance at happiness.”

    Scott R.